Manifestation is a gradual process. Seeking wealth and riches? It doesn’t just happen overnight so you’re unlikely to wake up to a seven figure bank balance after asking the Universe politelly before bed. In other words, it’s a journey and along the way it can be helpful to get a little emotional fuel, which happens in the form of signs abundance is coming your way.
The Law of Attraction is the idea that what we think, believe and feel can be manifested in our lives by producing a certain level of energy or vibration. Whether that energy is good or bad, it will attract back that same kind of energy, courtesy of the Universe.
Like attracts like, in other words.
When a person is going along the right path to manifesting what they want, that Universe will speak, by presenting signs in everyday life.
People all over the world use the Law of Attraction to manifest many things such as love, success, and prosperity.
Right now, we’re going to focus on the latter.
“Just like a sailor who knows before reaching land that it is nearing, life too gives certain signals which indicate how closer you are to manifesting.”
Stephen Richards
Read our selection of abundance quotes for living a more plentiful life…
The beauty of the Law of Attraction is in its simplicity.
A mind tuned into the right vibrational frequency, is a mind focused on manifesting abundance and the freedom that additional wealth flows can bring.
You might need to take some time to change your habitual thoughts and identify where you perhaps tend to reaffirm lack and scarcity without even realizing it.
Fearing money or worrying about a lack of it will attract exactly that. On the other hand, the Law of Attraction teaches how to switch up those thought processes to achieve a more prosperous mindset.
The goal is a positive outlook that expects good fortune, the opposite of ingrained thought patterns focused on shortage and scarceness.
“Your thoughts DO become a reality and your vibration magnifies The Law of Attraction to a whole different level.”
Jennifer O’Neill
Comfortable with Abundance
Those who practice the Law of Attraction focus on a plentiful mindset to achieve abundance and wealth, over and above focus physical toil and labor. In that way, the Law of Attraction moves people closer to manifesting what they want.
Think about it this way – being stuck in the frustrating day-to-day grind with long hours, represents difficult conditions to break thought habits that reinforce a lack of wealth.
Instead, the Law of Attraction is concerned with raising a person’s vibration and energy, and helping to direct thoughts feelings, actions, and words towards what they desire.
Practicing the Law of Attraction will also help you move past any feelings of guilt associated with having money – that money is bad, or that it’s greedy to desire it. When it comes from a place that is genuine and true, money is thought of in terms of abundance, which goes hand in hand with freedom and spirituality.
The 10 Signs Abundance is Coming Your Way
Now that you understand how the Law of Attraction works, let us focus on the 10 signs that wealth and prosperity will come into your life.
1) Life Begins to Click
Things around you start falling into place – the small stuff.
For example: A taxi appears just when you want one; the rain stops when you need to leave home; No queues at the grocery store or supermarket; Green lights provide a clear drive to your destination; Perhaps some lingering life issues start to dwindle; Interaction with people comes more friendly and agreeable.
All in all, life seems more harmonious and increasingly peppered with small moments of satisfaction, each of them signalling a move closer to manifesting a new reality.
2) New Opportunities Appear
Possibilities for advancement at your job may arise. Perhaps you get a shot at entertaining a potential new client or get a customer over the line.
Maybe a new business grant you applied for has just come through, or an investor offers favourable funding. It could be as simple as bumping into the right person at a coffee shop.
The point is, each of these moments is a little nudge from the Universe as a reminder that abundance is drawing nearer. Embrace the positive feelings these opportunities bring; stay happy and remain focused.
3) Focus Shifts to Abundance Over Money
As part of the manifestation process, your focus progresses from a desire for money alone, to the feelings of freedom and possibilities that wealth can bring; those things that are unique to self.
With an outlook of abundance, you are open to visualizing, believing, and receiving more meaningful and uplifting experiences in life.
4) Seeing Angel Numbers
Seen the number 111 lately? These mystical number sequences are a more direct sign from the Universe that manifestation is in progress.
They can appear on digital clocks, license plates, timers such as those on a music device or app; in all sorts of places!
Each number carries a special meaning, here’s a few to get started with:
- 111: Angelic beings are noticing you.
- 555: Big, positive changes are about to happen for you.
- 888: Abundance is right around the corner. Money you have been seeking is around the corner.
5) Finding Coins
A super simple sign of future abundance is finding coins. Since the aim is to manifest more of the same, the Universe draws attention to small change.
Pick them up, maybe keep them all in one place. The amount found really doesn’t matter, celebrate anyway! Express gratitude to the Universe for giving a sign of forthcoming abundance in this special way.
6) Deals Present Themselves
Discounts and deals appear – it might be an amazing bargain on some stylish new clothes or shoes, a flash sale at an online store, or an irresistible offer on a new vehicle with bonus extras.
Perhaps a tradesperson gives a great deal on some home maintenance or a renovation. If the item relates to your journey to abundance, so much the better, it’s a yet clearer sign.
Be appreciative when situations like this arise and take advantage. The Universe is communicating and there may be more to come on the path to abundance.
7) Feelings About Money Change
Taking the manifestation process up a notch…
An unfortunate part of life for many involves bad experiences with money. Maybe a lack of income, or perhaps growing up seeing parents argue about it. Result: They feel undeserving or think negatively about it.
With a rising vibrational frequency as manifestation nears, ingrained financial worry can begin to lift, replaced by more positive feelings.
8) Thinking Optimistically
In practicing Law of Attraction and moving towards manifestation, quite naturally thoughts can begin to shift into a space of positivity – a boost in mood.
The load is lightened and replaced with belief that things will work out. This uplift in optimism is a further sign that better times are on the horizon.
9) Feelings of Gratitude Emerge
Beginning to notice more feelings of genuine gratitude for what you already have?
Gratitude for what we already have brings us closer to the energy of the Universe, and draws back more of those goods things, which in turn inspire feelings of gratitude.
In other words, naturally feeling gratitude is a sign in itself. That higher vibrational energy is syncing with the Universe. That connection ultimately helps to bring the manifestation of abundance closer.
10) Small Wins
Small wins can be a lot of fun. Much like finding coins, a little lift to brighten up moments during the day.
Think lotto cards, minor contests, raffles, bingo, things of that nature. Note: This isn’t a suggestion to do more of those things. It’s just that your “luck” may start to improve. Why? With a stronger connection to the Universe, brought about by being in the right vibrational state, good things are drawn to you.
Don’t forget, always show gratitude for what comes your way!
Signs Abundance is Coming Your Way – What Now?
If any signs abundance is coming your way are consistently showing up, that is wonderful news! Enjoy the experience, hopefully more will become noticeable.
The Law of Attraction operates on the fundamental principle that like attracts like. What one thinks about, will be brought into our life.
As we have seen, it’s gets better, because the Universe operates a convenient system of feedback. Yes, it’s a very helpful and considerate Universe! It wants to let people know they are drawing closer to their desires and dreams. Positive reinforcement, of sorts.
The key is developing a knack for aligning your thoughts and feelings with the particular frequency of the outcome you truly want.
If that’s whet the appetite, then get exclusive insights into manifesting abundance by heading on over to a special presentation.