Much has been written about how to manifest financial prosperity, detailing techniques from creative visualization, to affirmations, to the 369 method, and placing trust in the Universe. It’s a lot to take in, particularly when you factor in the time it can take for one’s manifestation efforts to come to fruition. So, it’s always nice to find out about a technique that’s super simple, effective, and has the endorsement of some very well-known names.
In this article, I’ll be talking about abundance checks. Or, manifestation checks if you prefer. And it’s cheque if you’re in the UK or Australia.
With the rise of digital payments, the use of checks in real life has declined globally over the past few decades. But that doesn’t stop this from being a very useful manifestation method!
What are Abundance Checks?
It’s a blank check that you can fill out and make payable to yourself. Essentially, you’re writing yourself a check for an amount you hope to realize in the future.
Think of it as a symbolic statement of intent – a way a documenting the abundance that you want manifest. It’s something to refer to, an inspirational reminder.
The idea is that by writing down your intention in this format, it’s a demonstration of your commitment to the goal and therefore makes it more likely you’ll achieve it.
How to Prepare an Abundance Check
Preparing your abundance check is a straightforward process:
- Write your name in the “Pay to the order of” field.
- Enter the amount you want to manifest in both numerical and written form. Whilst it might be tempting to enter really big number, have a think about an amount that sets the bar at the right level. That means a number that is ambitious but also realistic. An amount you’ll need to strive to reach and isn’t so low that it doesn’t inspire and excite you.
- Date the check: If you’re not sure about what date to enter, simply put in today’s date. That is absolutely fine. It doesn’t mean that the cash is going to turn up today, but that you’re declaring your intention to begin the manifestation process today. However, if you have a target date or deadline in mind, enter that. For example, let’s say you’re starting a new business venture and you’ve already entered an amount of $250,000. Maybe you’ll enter a date two years in the future as a reasonable target date for making that much in revenue.
- Sign the check with a positive affirmation or statement that reinforces your belief in the manifestation process.
Why Use an Abundance Check?
Writing an abundance check holds way more significance than simply writing down a figure. By completing that check, alongside some other manifestation techniques (see below), we’re moving into the realms of aligning our emotional energy with the frequency of prosperity.
Goal focus:
In the midst of the daily grind, firefighting everything that’s urgent and important, it’s easy to forget those bigger life goals. Keeping the check visible or referring back to it (if it’s in a hidden spot), is a reminder that you have a higher purpose than simply surviving the demands of each day.
Positive emotions:
Negative thinking can create a massive psychological barrier to living an abundant life. However, through positive emotions, we raise our energy frequency, aligning ourselves with the abundance we desire. Imagine receiving abundance and feeling the emotions, as Jim Carrey describes in the video below. What we think about, we bring about. So we’re attracting what we focus on with emotional intensity.
From Scarcity to Abundance:
By redirecting our mindset from scarcity to abundance, we’re focusing on growth and opportunity. Believing that the money is yours, that it’s out there but you just don’t have it in your hands yet, is a seismic shift from internal thoughts that say, “I want that money, but I’ll never get because of reasons x and y etc.”
How Effective is the Abundance Check Method?
It can be incredibly effective. Two real life examples come to mind…
Personal experience
From my own experience, and this is where I first learned this method existed. I was studying a course and there was an online community attached to it. There were several people who had written themselves checks and placed them in a prominent position in their homes. Both commented that seeing the check was a strong daily reminder of their goals and a powerful source of motivation.
Jim Carrey
A famous example comes from Jim Carrey during his appearance on The Oprah Winfrey Show show in 1997. He described being broke and using visualization in combination with writing himself an abundance check.
In the interview, he recalls how he would visualize the things he wanted, coming to him. Carrey recalls how it would make him feel better to think that he did already have these things, that they were out there, but he just doesn’t have them yet.
He then talks about writing himself a check for $10 million for ‘acting services rendered’. It was dated Thanksgiving 1995, giving himself three years to achieve. Rather than placing it anywhere immediately visible, he kept it in his wallet while it steadily deteriorated. Then, just before Thanksgiving 1995, he found out he was going to make that $10 million from Dumb and Dumber.
What are the lessons here?
- Thinking ‘as-if’ – believing that you do have the things/outcomes you want. Even if you aren’t physically holding them or living it yet.
- Visualization is powerful – see yourself as you want to be, whether that’s with material things, people, experiences, relationships, circumstances, a new state of being etc.
- Work for it – in combination with hard work and belief, you can achieve your goals. As Jim Carrey said, “…you can’t just visualize and then go eat a sandwich.”
Watch that clip of Jim Carrey on The Oprah Winfrey Show…
Where to Store Your Abundance check?
Put it somewhere visible:
If you need a regular reminder not to lose sight of your manifestation goal, put it somewhere visible such as a wall or noticeboard. Look at it every day, imagine the feeling of having that amount of money. Enjoy those positive feelings and tune into the frequency of the abundance you’re trying to attract. A criticism of this method is that by constantly seeing the check, it can be the cause of some concern if people worry about why the money hasn’t manifested yet.
Put it in your wallet or purse:
Keeping it close by carrying it with you is also a great way to stay connected to the abundance you’re trying to attract. Keeping it in the place where you’d normally carry money in the form of cash, checks, or cards is symbolic and can help with positive feelings of imagining that money is in your wallet or purse to use. (you’re just choosing not to at this time!)
Store it in a safe place:
There is a case to be made for writing out the check and putting it somewhere that isn’t visible or physically close to you. So, by writing the check, you’ve asked once, let go by putting it away, and then trust the Universe to handle the rest.
Consider this advice from The Secret…
“You do not have to ask over and over again. Just ask once. It is exactly like placing an order from a catalogue. You only ever order something once. You don’t have to place an order and then doubt the order has been received and so place the order again, and then again, and then again. You order once. It is the same with the Creative Process. Step One is simply your step to get clear about what you want. As you get clear in your mind, you have asked.”
– Rhonda Byrne
Don’t Forget Other Manifestation Techniques
Using visualization in conjunction with an abundance check is a perfect partnership. But there are many other methods that can and should be used to help realize your manifestation goals.
- The 369 method
- The pillow method
- Create a vision board
- Practice gratitude
- Start journalling
- Affirmations (see below)
Also, read our article on how to manifest >
Affirmations have the power to positively change the way we think, act, and feel about ourselves. And crucially, they can help to raise our vibration and align with what we’re hoping to receive. Some examples in the context of an abundance check might be:
- • “I am a magnet for wealth and money naturally flows to me.”
- • “I am determined and capable, with unlimited potential to achieve success.”
- • “I am worthy of an abundant and prosperous life. My thoughts, intentions, and actions will get me there.”
Inspired action
Woking hard is important but think about the direction you’re moving in first. Listen to your intuition, trust your instincts, and follow them. That’s taking inspired action.
As Joe Vitale says…
“When the opportunity is there, when the impulse is there, when the intuitive nudge from within is there, act. That’s your job. And that’s all you have to do. Trust your instincts. It’s the Universe inspiring you. It’s the Universe communicating with you on the receiving frequency. If you have an intuitive or instinctive feeling, follow it, and you will find that the Universe is magnetically moving you to receive what you asked for.”
Changing Your State of Being
Getting into the mindset of already having the money, rather than being the person who is still chasing it. Even though you don’t physically have the money, you’re thinking, feeling, and behaving as though you are that version of yourself. Consider why those affirmations begin with “I am.” Think about the person you would be living in abundance.
Feeling and believing that the wealth, abundance, and prosperity you desire, is in fact already yours. Otherwise known as behaving ‘as-if’. Knowing that what you want will materialize when you need it. Avoid thinking about lack, what you want is yours.
Aligning Intentions with Personal Goals
This one’s about ensuring that our abundance check intentions are in alignment with our broader personal goals. As an example, if our goal is to start a business for example, then our intention for the abundance check could be related to acquiring the necessary startup capital. It’s about syncing desire with the life outcome, rather than just wishing for an amount for money to randomly fall into your lap.
Use Crystals
Crystals have been used for their healing properties since ancient times. But they might also turn out to be an investment in wealth you might not have thought about. When storing your abundance check, consider placing it with crystals that help bring you into vibrational alignment with what you want to manifest. Crystals can also be worn, as a pendant for example, or simply kept in a pocket or pouch.
Popular crystals for manifesting wealth, abundance and success include Citrine, Clear Quartz, Green Aventurine, Green Jade, Malachite, Pyrite, and Tiger’s Eye.