The Role of Gratitude in Manifestation

Practicing gratitude has some major benefits for manifestation and mental well-being in generalPracticing gratitude is associated with improving psychological well-being. But it’s more than a mindset shift, because it’s also a recommended activity for anyone involved with manifesting.

It all comes down to energy. When people focus on what they’re grateful for, they align that energy with the positive outcomes they want to manifest.

Gratitude can be expressed in a written form by journaling or by speaking affirmations. On timing, the morning and evening are recommended to frame the day with thankfulness.

What is Manifestation?

Very briefly, because I think most people arriving on this page will understand manifestation perfectly well. In a nutshell, manifestation is the practice of making your desires/goals/intentions a reality through thought, belief, and action.

Thoughts and feelings are at the heart of the Law of Attraction. Like attracts like and maintaining a positive mindset and emotional state can help people to achieve vibrational alignment with what they desire.

Understanding Gratitude

Gratitude is about acknowledging and being truly thankful for the good in our lives. And being appreciative and grateful has an inextricable link with happiness and well-being.

Benefits of Practicing Gratitude

Thinking through things to be thankful for and expressing gratitude can help to improve mood in a number of ways. It might lift low feelings, reduce envy, alleviate discontent and negative emotions, shifting the mind to a calmer, contented, happier, and peaceful state.

“Gratitude is one of the sweet shortcuts to finding peace of mind and happiness inside. No matter what is going on outside of us, there’s always something we could be grateful for.”

– Barry Neil Kaufman

Studies show that grateful individuals tend to experience more positive emotions and greater overall satisfaction with life, which can lead to improved mental health.

Dr. Joe Dispenza also describes the profound benefits on the immune system that practicing gratitude has…

Shifting Perspective, Seeing Opportunities

Gratitude is powerful. By focusing on what we have, rather than what we lack, gratitude can significantly shift our perspective to a more positive outlook, and an abundant mindset, i.e. one that sees and is open to new opportunities.

An abundance mindset that is fueled by gratitude is linked to increased motivation, better relationships, and enhanced creativity, which can attract new possibilities and success.

“Gratitude is one of the strongest and most transformative states of being. It shifts your perspective from lack to abundance and allows you to focus on the good in your life, which in turn pulls more goodness into your reality.”

– Jen Sincero

It’s quite easy to notice and feel gratitude for the more obvious things – i.e. the people, circumstances, and material possessions we like and have benefited from.

But it’s also about recognizing and appreciating the not-so-obvious, such as adversity and challenges that contribute to personal growth. So, if something negative happens, we’re able to pull out the positives and be grateful for the learning.

There’s also the expression of that thankfulness to ourselves or indeed, to others. Again, journals and affirmations are go-to practices. But also a conversation, if you’re communicating it to someone else.

“I don’t have to chase extraordinary moments to find happiness – it’s right in front of me if I’m paying attention and practicing gratitude.”

– Brené Brown

One of the Law of Attraction’s three core principles is that like attracts like. Bear in mind that feeling and expressing gratitude has the power to elevate our vibrational frequency.

By regularly focusing on what we’re thankful for, the mind projects positive energy, which helps to raise our vibration and attract similar positive experiences and outcomes.

“When you express gratitude for the blessings that come into your life, it not only encourages the universe to send you more, it also sees to it that those blessings remain.”

– Stephen Richards

If you’re thinking: I’d be happy if only I had… (this or that thing in my life), the Universe will respond to you with more lack and scarcity. So, the critically important component of expressing gratitude is… NO BUTS.

In other words, you might say, “I’m grateful for my car, but I’d like a newer model.” Or, “I’m grateful for the house that we live in, but I’d like somewhere with a better view.” Gratitude must be genuine and total, and that’s how to shift the mind out of a place of lack and scarcity.

Putting that into practice, writing a daily gratitude list sends a signal to the universe, making it easier to attract outcomes that match the appreciative mindset.

What to be Grateful For?

It might not seem like it sometimes, but there are countless things to be grateful for.
You could start by looking at the things in your life, such as your family or friends, the opportunities you have now or in the past, such as education or in your career.

Try looking inward, are you grateful for your mental and physical well-being? Being healthy affords so many opportunities in life and can be a good starting point for your daily gratitude practice.

What can you see in the physical world around you? Perhaps you’re grateful for having somewhere to live. It might not be perfect, but it offers protection from the elements and provides a level of safety.

Nature is another go-to gratitude topic. Viewing the beauty of a sunset, enjoying the immersive experience of standing in the middle of a forest, listening to the waves lap up against the shore.

Consider anything in the areas of:

  • Yourself (heath, abilities, physical attributes)
  • Opportunities that come your way
  • Nature and surroundings
  • Food and drink (the things you enjoy the most, but also from a survival perspective)
  • People and relationships in your life
  • Things that entertain you or make you laugh
  • Learnings and past experiences
  • Material possessions
  • Your job and career
  • Education and personal development

How to Practice Gratitude for Manifestation

. But what about concrete steps to integrate it into your daily manifestation rituals?


Journaling is another recommended activity for a range of reasons such as improved mental clarity. For manifesting, it can be a dedicated gratitude journal or part of your general journaling routine.

Check out our list of manifestation journal prompts…


  • Enhances emotional resilience
  • Helps promote a more positive outlook
  • Strengthens manifesting intentions


  • Write daily entries to keep the momentum going and keep your vibration elevated
  • Be specific about what you’re thankful for, rather than being too general
  • Reflect on these entries regularly to reinforce positive feelings


Speaking affirmations is another way to reinforce positive thoughts and elevate mood. Those affirmations could be ones you’ve found and adapted for yourself, or create your own.


  1. Identify areas you are grateful for
  2. Use positive, present-tense language (e.g., “I am grateful for…”)
  3. Repeat affirmations daily, preferably out loud


  • “I am grateful for my supportive family.”
  • “I am grateful for my good health and well-being.”

Pro Tip

There’s another important aspect to consider… you might be used to expressing gratitude for things in the PAST and PRESENT, but what about the FUTURE?

Amongst a whole range of practical steps described in his book, The Last Law of Attraction Book You’ll Ever Need to Read, Andrew Kap describes a method for mixing up past, present, and future gratitude statements, called The Time-Lapse Method.
He says, “The reason this method is so effective is because most of what’s on your list are things that have already manifested in your actual reality. So when you go through those past and present manifestations, there’s a ‘certainty’ in your vibration that carries over and applies to the ‘future’ statements as well.”

Check out “The Last Law of Attraction Book You’ll Ever Need to Read” on:
Barnes and Noble

Meditation And Visualization

Gratitude meditation involves focusing your thoughts on what you are thankful for, to achieve a deep sense of appreciation.


  • Find a quiet space and close your eyes
  • Take deep breaths and center your thoughts
  • Visualize scenes associated with gratitude


  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Enhances overall emotional well-being

Being Thankful

Expressing gratitude in person can also help to strengthen relationships, create a positive atmosphere, and raise your vibration. If the appreciation is genuine.


  • Simply saying ‘thank you’ to someone
  • Be sincere and specific
  • Make it a habit, even for simple interactions. I.e. when I’m served coffee, I don’t just take it, I look them in the eye and say, ‘Thank you very much’, in a friendly, sincere, and genuine way.

Supercharge with Giving and Generosity

Another way to project gratitude outwardly. If practicing gratitude raises your vibration and indicates to the Universe that you are satisfied with what you have already, i.e. abundant and not lacking…then being generous is evidence that you have enough to share of what you’re grateful for. Even wishing more for others can put in an energy of abundance.

More tips on how to develop an abundance mindset…

Gratitude and Your Morning/Evening Routine


This is a huge vibration raiser to set a positive tone for the day ahead.

Example practices:

  • Spend 5 minutes listing things you are thankful for
  • Incorporate gratitude into your morning meditation or yoga practice
  • Use gratitude affirmations to kick off your day

Great for calming the mind and preparing for a restful night’s sleep.

Example practices:

  • Reflect on the day’s positive moments before bed
  • Write a brief gratitude journal entry
  • Visualize positive outcomes for tomorrow

Measuring Gratitude

It’s so easy to lose track of things in the general day-to-day. Here are two ways to help tell if this is all working.

Synchronicities and Coincidences

Otherwise known as meaningful coincidences, these are signs from the Universe are proof that our thoughts and actions align with what we’re trying to manifest, and that progress is being made. In other words, we’re on the right path.

A healthy gratitude practice might well involve an increase in these observable coincidences.

Check out our article on signs from the Universe that abundance is on its way…

Read our article on signs that abundance is coming your way…

Track Mood Levels

Using an app (such as Daylio or Moodfit) can provide valuable data on the timing and impact of practicing gratitude. Or track manually using a mood chart. Patterns can emerge about what day of the week or time of day makes a difference.

Journaling feelings, energy fluctuations, and overall well-being can show at what times gratitude practices had the most influence.

For example, gratitude on a Monday morning before a full day of work might well have a bigger impact than on a Saturday evening after fun times with the family.

Identifying patterns can improve self-awareness and give invaluable insight into what gratitude practices work, particularly in combination with general daily activities and with other manifestation practices.

Overcoming Challenges to Practicing Gratitude

Maintaining a gratitude practice can be difficult sometimes. Here we’ll take a look at some common problems and how to resolve them.

Staying Consistent

We should refer to a gratitude habit rather than a practice, because staying consistent is critical if gratitude is going to impact manifestation outcomes positively.

Journaling and gratitude apps are a great place to start; the latter can help with prompting.

Include little gratitude moments as part of normal daily activities, like appreciating the fresh air when stepping outside for a walk or the smells when cooking.

Dealing with Tough Times

This is one of the harder things to overcome. Most of us have experienced tough times at some point in our lives and to be honest, gratitude is hardly top of mind.

It can take some practice but it’s possible to appreciate and draw lessons from adversity and reframe challenges as opportunities to grow.

There are silver linings and as a bonus, over time this helps build resilience. Connecting with others to share in expressing gratitude can uplift all concerned.

Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs can be another stumbling block when it comes to gratitude. They can come in the form of feeling unworthy or doubts about achieving success. Their weight can dull the inclination to feel and express gratitude for anything.

A good first step is to identify, acknowledge, and reflect on them through journaling. Challenge those beliefs by recalling past successes or select positive affirmations that help to change that internal narrative

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