The 369 manifestation method is a powerful technique that draws from the principles of numerology and the Law of Attraction.
By using the numbers 3, 6, and 9 as part of a structured daily practice, this method aims to harness vibrational energy and mindset to bring about desired outcomes.
It has proven incredibly popular, particularly due to its simplicity and effectiveness.
Practitioners of the 369 manifestation method cite significant improvements in their lives, from career advancements to personal growth. The process encourages consistency and positive thinking, essential to successful manifestation.
Origin and Popularity
It’s widely believed that the numbers 3, 6, and 9, originate from Nikola Tesla. Indeed, he believed in their significance, often referring to them as the keys to the universe’s secrets, considering them powerful and even divine.
“If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.”
– Nikola Tesla
Tesla was one of the great scientific figures of the 19th and 20th centuries. He was an inventor and electrical/mechanical engineer credited with many technological breakthroughs and inventions. You may also have heard of a modern car company named in his honor.
All that said, there isn’t any evidence that Tesla believed in 3, 6, and 9 as a way of manifesting, as discussed here. But the numbers were special to him, as they are to us too!
The 369 Manifestation Method has gained widespread attention through social media platforms like TikTok, where users share their experiences and successes.
Are the Numbers Significant?
Yes, they are and like all numbers between 1-10, they each have a unique meaning. In a nutshell, the number three embodies imagination, creativity, and expression. Six symbolizes strength from within us and is associated with responsibility, conscientiousness, and harmony. Lastly, nine relates to wisdom, transformation, and completion (…of a cycle, and transition to another).
How to Practice the 369 Manifestation Method
To effectively utilize the 369 manifestation method, it’s important to maintain a consistent daily routine and follow a specific format for writing and affirmations.
By writing down your desired manifestation three times in the morning, six times during the day, and nine times in the evening, you can focus your intentions and attract what you truly desire.
Let’s get into the steps…
1) Set Your Intention
First up, decide your goal or what you want to manifest. It could be something from any area of your life – career, financial abundance, love and relationships, health and well-being, etc. Just be clear about what you want because vague intentions lead to ambiguous outcomes.
Tip: Try to get into a positive frame of mind. This preparation sets a firm foundation for the manifestation process, making it more effective and focused. Align your words and thoughts with the energy and outcome you desire.
2) Craft the Affirmation
When writing your affirmations, use the present tense. Phrase them as if they are already happening, such as “I am grateful for my successful career,” rather than “I will have a successful career.” Following this format is important because it aligns your current energy with your desired outcomes, reinforcing the belief.
Focus on positive affirmations to boost your mood and motivation. Maintaining a positive attitude while writing is essential.
3) Set Your Daily Routine and Repeat
Consistency is crucial with this method. The routine involves stating your affirmation:
- Three times in the morning.
- Six times during the afternoon.
- Nine times in the evening.
This repetition helps to reinforce the intention and embed it into your subconscious mind.
It can be done verbally, but the recommendation is to write it down. You could use a notepad or pick up a journal tailored to this method.
- Set aside specific times each day for your routine.
- Maintain the daily routine for 21 days.
Discipline is key as skipping sessions or whole days can disrupt the flow of energy and focus needed for manifestation.
Each writing session, whether in the morning, midday, or evening, should be done thoughtfully and with intention, ensuring that each word carries the power needed to manifest your desires.
How to Succeed with the 369 Manifestation Method
This is a key component of the 369 manifestation process. Creating that vivid mental picture of where you’re trying to get to can solidify your intentions and make them feel real. This often involves using a vision board, a collage of images, phrases, and copy that represent your desired outcomes.
Try visualization exercises daily. See the colors, hear the sounds, and even feel the emotions associated with achieving their goals.
Using your imagination to visualize the outcome sends powerful signals to your subconscious mind. Mental rehearsals can activate similar brain areas to those used when the actual events occur, making progress feel more attainable.
“What you put your attention on and mentally rehearse over and over again not only becomes who you are from a biological perspective, it also determines your future.”
– Dr. Joe Dispenza
Keep a Journal
The scope of the 369 method allows for affirmations to be spoken (internally or out loud) or written down. However, a manifestation journal is highly recommended to record your daily progress and thoughts.
Another hot tip is to select a dedicated pen for your journal, which can help to build a stronger emotional connection to the practice.
Incorporate Inspired Action
Inspired action refers to steps taken that are deeply aligned with one’s goals and intuitively feel right. These actions are not forced but come naturally and often lead to meaningful progress.
“Action is a word that can imply ‘work’ to some people, but inspired action will not feel like work at all. The difference between inspired action and action is this: Inspired action is when you are acting to receive. If you are in action and try to make it happen, you have slipped backward. Inspired action is effortless, and it feels wonderful because you are on the frequency of receiving.”
– Rhonda Byrne
Trust the Universe
A core tenet of the Law of Attraction is to trust the Universe. When manifesting, you’re co-creating in partnership with the Universe.
“To truly conspire with the Universe, you need to trust its guidance.”
– Ingrid Clarke
The process isn’t always straightforward, yet it’s important to understand that through those ups and downs, the Universe ultimately leads you to a desirable outcome, even if it isn’t entirely what you expected.
Trusting the Universe involves some key concepts relating to:
- Surrendering control
- Embracing uncertainty
- A positive mindset
- Patience and perseverance
- Gratitude and openness
For more information about this critically important manifestation concept, read our post on trusting the Universe…