
Abundant landscape

99 Abundance Quotes for a More Plentiful Mindset

The notion of abundance represents a plentiful view of the world in relation to areas such as love, health and wellbeing, happiness, employment, and financial prosperity. My hope is that this list of abundance quotes will inspire readers to see…

Philosopher with ancient city background

89 Stoicism Quotes for Better Living in 2025

The ancient philosophy we all need to meet the demands of modern-day living…? Read our selection of Stoicism quotes for philosophical insight into living with integrity, self-control, and rationality. Table of Contents Origins of Stoicism Late Stoa Quotes Marcus Aurelius…

Man flying kite

Small Wins Quotes

A subject close to my heart, particularly since moving from corporate to self-employed. Small wins matter. Recognizing achievements at the micro level has added some much needed rocket fuel to my motivation levels in so many areas. Read my list…

Whatever written in chalk

Whatever Quotes

Like it or loathe it, the word ‘whatever’ has been around for a long time and given its many different uses in everyday discourse, it doesn’t look like fading anytime soon. In this post, we’ll discuss its meanings, origin, it’s…

Abstract Universe Swirl

Quotes From The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne

2006 saw the release of Rhonda Byrne’s self-help smash hit, The Secret, as a movie followed by the book. At its core, it’s an examination of the Law of Attraction, which proposes that our thoughts can directly influence the reality…

Person with headlamp watching starry night sky at a beautiful lagoon

Trusting the Universe Quotes

Trusting the Universe is a core principle of manifesting with the Law of Attraction. Here we’ll break down what that trusting involves and list some amazing trusting the Universe quotes to fuel your manifestation efforts even further. While the concept…

Aerial view of shoreline with sandy beach, an umbrella, and small waves

Quotes About Waves at the Beach and Shore

Is there anything more relaxing than being at the beach on a beautiful day? The sounds and sensations can subdue thoughts of the everyday grind, vanquish stresses, and bring peace to the soul. These quotes about waves at the beach…

Illustration depicting a universe, galaxy, planets, and stars

25 Enlightening Quotes on the Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is a powerful and widely practised natural law. Broadly speaking it says that what you focus on in thought and feeling will be attracted back into your life. This set of quotes on the Law of…