Essential Oils for Manifesting

Essential oils are known for their aromatic and therapeutic properties, having been used for centuries across different cultures for various purposes, including healing and spiritual rituals.

In this article, we’ll talk about everything you need to know about incorporating essential oils into your manifesting routine.

Manifesting requires focus, intention, action, and energy. And essential oils can play a pivotal role in the practice, helping to align your energy and intention, and progress towards specific goals.

Defining Manifestation

Before we get into essential oils, a quick recap… we know that manifestation is the process of bringing a thought, desire, or goal into reality through focused intention, belief, and positive action.

Thoughts and emotions have an energy frequency, and by aligning them with clear, purposeful intentions and actions, we can manifest our desired outcomes.

Manifesting is tightly associated with the Law of Attraction, which says that like attracts like, meaning that positive thoughts and feelings can attract positive experiences, while negative ones can attract negative experiences.

What Are Essential Oils?

Essential oils are concentrated extracts from various plant parts including flowers, leaves, bark, and roots.

Steam distillation and cold pressing are common forms of extraction, which help preserve the plant’s compounds for potent and aromatic extracts. Steam distillation provides high-quality oils, while cold pressing is typically used for citrus oils to capture the full scent.

Types and Benefits

Each essential oil has properties that can provide mental and emotional benefits that are beneficial for various purposes. For example, Bergamot oil has a citrusy scent known for enhancing mood and well-being. Cedarwood oil offers a warm, grounding aroma, which can stabilize and aid relaxation. In contrast, grapefruit oil is invigorating and uplifting.

Oils can be classified by their therapeutic properties, such as calming, uplifting, or energizing. Whether the oils are used in a diffuser, inhaled directly, or applied topically (and diluted with a carrier oil), they can offer a range of mind, body, and spiritual benefits, that support manifestation efforts.

Scent, Smell, and the Limbic System

When an essential oil’s scent is inhaled, it’s handled by the olfactory system, which quickly and directly transmits signals for processing by the limbic system, the brain regions related to emotions and memories.

The limbic system is the part of the brain involved in behavioral and emotional responses. It includes structures like the amygdala, hippocampus, and hypothalamus. It’s the reason smell can be so evocative, triggering vivid memories, emotions, and even physical responses.

“Neuroscientists have suggested that this close physical connection between the regions of the brain linked to memory, emotion, and our sense of smell may explain why our brain learns to associate smells with certain emotional memories”

Scientific American

Associating smell with specific memories and emotions is something you’ve probably experienced at some point in your life.

For me, the smell of freshly baked bread brings back that feeling of excitement and the anticipation of satiating my hunger with a fulfilling sandwich for lunch. I also have clear and positive memories of my mother using lavender to create a relaxing sleep environment when I was a child. It’s much the same for the aroma of chamomile tea. Thanks again, Mum, who first brought me the drink to try while studying for some tough exams in my teens. I still drink it today and it has brought me great comfort during some challenging times.

Oils have the power to enhance or hinder our emotional state. Using pleasant scents can enhance our self-care routines and create a calming atmosphere, reduce anxiety, tension, and stress, and evoke positive emotions. Consequently, aromatherapy has gained popularity for addressing various physical and emotional conditions. These benefits are incredibly significant in the context of manifestation.

So, with such a tight link between our sense of smell and the limbic system, scents offer opportunities to benefit our lives in various ways, and manifestation is one of those ways.

How Essential Oils Can Support Manifestation

With essential oils, the idea is to influence the limbic system, resulting in a state of mind that’s more conducive to manifesting successfully.

Essential oils can reinforce our manifestation practices in two ways:

  • Supporting the manifestation process and activities: For example – boosting energy, setting the mood, increasing focus, and elevating vibrational energy.
  • Supporting specific intentions/outcomes: Some of the various oils we’ll discuss have unique qualities and are said to help manifest certain outcomes – relationships, financial abundance, etc.

Whatever the aim of your manifestation efforts, essential oils can be part of a holistic approach.

All that said, it isn’t an exact science, and what’s important is that you find what oils and methods fit best with your manifesting practices.

Best Oils to Support Manifestation Efforts (7 Ways)

– Increased Focus and Clarity

Essential oils like rosemary, peppermint, and eucalyptus can sharpen mental clarity and focus. By using these oils, practitioners enhance their ability to visualize their goals clearly and with greater detail.

– Elevating Vibrational Energy

Certain essential oils are believed to elevate one’s vibrational frequency, which is key to aligning oneself with higher states of consciousness. High-vibration oils include frankincense, myrrh, and rose. Their use can help one feel more connected to the universe and their inner self, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of manifestation practices.

– Promoting Calmness

Lavender and chamomile oils reduce stress and encourage a peaceful mindset.

– Supporting Grounding

Essential oils like sandalwood and patchouli help in staying present and centered.

– Boosting Confidence

Citrus oils such as orange and lemon uplift mood and foster positive energy.

– Elevating Mood

Citrus scents like orange or lemon can boost the release of serotonin, helping improve mood and counteract depression.

Best Oils to Support Specific Intentions (5 Outcomes)

Here’s how different oils can support love, abundance, health, focus, and spiritual rituals. As mentioned, it isn’t an exact science and a little trial and error.

– Best for Love and Relationships

Try these oils during meditation or in a diffuser to enhance love rituals.

  • Jasmine essential oil deepens emotional connections and passion. It helps build lasting relationships.
  • Rose oil opens the heart and attracts romantic energy.
  • Ylang Ylang promotes joy and sensuality in intimate bonds.

– Best for Abundance and Prosperity

Use these oils in a bath or diffuser to amplify financial intentions:

  • Patchouli and Myrrh attract abundance and prosperity.
  • Patchouli’s scent grounds and supports financial stability.
  • Basil oil boosts confidence in financial decisions.
  • Ginger oil enhances courage, crucial for wealth.

– Best for Health and Healing

Lavender, Eucalyptus, and Tea Tree oils are associated with health outcomes. Give these oils a go by applying them topically (diluted) or use them in a diffuser for a healthy environment:

  • Lavender promotes relaxation and stress relief.
  • Eucalyptus enhances respiratory health and clears negative energies.
  • Tea Tree oil has antibacterial properties.

– Best for Focus and Clarity

Peppermint, Rosemary, and Lemon oils can assist with manifestation by enhancing focus and clarity:

  • Peppermint invigorates the mind.
  • Rosemary boosts memory and concentration.
  • Lemon oil clears mental fog and improves decision-making.

Use these oils in a diffuser or apply them (diluted) to pulse points for mental clarity.

Methods for Using Essential Oils in Manifestation

Essential oils can amplify your manifestation practices through several methods. This includes diffusing the oils for aromatherapy, applying them topically, and using inhalation techniques.

Aromatherapy and Diffusion

Probably the most popular method and my pick. Aromatherapy involves spreading essential oil scents through the air. Use a diffuser to fill the space you’re in, creating a spiritual and mood-enhancing environment, ideal for focus and manifestation.

Diffusion methods include ultrasonic, nebulizing, reed, candle, evaporative, and heat. Ultrasonic diffusers mix water and oil, while nebulizing diffusers use only oil for a stronger scent. Reed diffusion involves holding the oil in an open container, in which sits a bundle of reeds that absorb the oil and release the scent into the air.

Topical Application

Applying essential oils to the skin offers targeted benefits. Just be sure to check that it is safe to do so first.

Topical application requires diluting the oils with a carrier like coconut oil to avoid irritation and improve absorption.

Where to apply the oil? Pulse points such as wrists, neck, and temples for better circulation and quicker absorption are good options.

Applying a small amount is all that’s needed to benefit from their properties without overwhelming your senses; or anyone else’s!

Consider the timing and align the occasion with the oil being used… Maybe you’re going on a date with a potential soulmate, perhaps you’re taking out a business loan to start a new venture and meeting with the bank, or it could be a networking engagement to further your career, perhaps a job interview.

Single Oils

Basil leaves


Basil is known to help sharpen mental focus and clarity. In terms of manifesting, it’s useful for setting clear intentions and is also believed to help with the attraction of prosperity and success.

Bergamot riping


A refreshing citrus oil known for its uplifting and mood-enhancing qualities. Great for fostering a positive mindset and attracting abundance, it can help to release limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns that may be blocking your manifestation efforts.

Clary Sage

Clary Sage helps with mental clarity, calming the mind and making it possible to get clear on your true manifesting desires. Clary Sage is also associated with strengthening visualization and creativity, making dreams come alive in your mind’s eye.



Patchouli promotes grounding and stability, helping to achieve a sense of security and trust in the manifestation process. This makes it a popular choice for those looking to enhance their manifesting practice, as it brings about a more optimistic outlook for achieving their goals. Patchouli is also associated with abundance, helping to attract success and financial prosperity.



Associated with love, compassion, and emotional healing, Rose oil is known to open the heart, making it ideal for manifesting loving relationships, self-love, and emotional healing.



Rosemary is known to enhance memory and concentration, making it excellent for maintaining focus and mental clarity in manifestation practices. It can help us overcome issues with procrastination, take inspired action, and stay on track toward our goals.

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